What if education had human flourishing as starting point?

In today’s education systems, many students get anxious from school. They drop out or are prescribed strong drugs to be able to attend.

And since education often has a narrow focus on knowledge facts, Students are not prepared to become wise and creative citizens, able to build a better world.

It is time for inspiring education with human flourishing at the core.

Our mission is to contribute to an education system with wellbeing and flourishing for all people at the core. Such a system will not only have the possibility to create wellbeing for students, but also for local communities and the planet.  

We are a “Think-and-do-tank” that runs our own movie projects and does keynote speeches and consultancy work. 

Skapaskolan classroom 2019

Purposeful education is possible. We’ve done it before.

As educators, we must all unite to bring about the changes in education that we know are needed for a healthy future for students, communities and the planet. Read about what we bring to the table.

Entangled Educations CEO, Christer Holger, talking to OECDs Education & Skills director, Andreas Schleicher

Let’s co-create a flourishing future

Learn what we do and how we can work together for a prosperous future

We agree with UN:s education section UNESCO in the need to transform education for the sake of students, societies and the planet. When launching their report “Reimagining our futures together - a new social contract for education” They also launched this video.